Flash Brown Productions

Flash Brown Productions
Sienna West / Fucking Queen!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Flash's Interview With Mr Straight Take Down

Straight Take Down:: Recently i got the opportunity to ask Flash Brown some questions for Straight Takedown. This Interview was long overdue, we were suppose to connect a long time ago but busy schedules on both ends caused the delay; hey what do they say? GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO WAY RIGHT??. I just want people to get a better understanding of the man who does porn, I think people get a misunderstanding of pornstars and really see them as sexual deviants ( don't get me wrong there are few of those out there of course lol but as a whole I think thats not the case.) He is doing some big things and I can't wait to see what else he has in stored. P.S.Flash Brown's Novelty Toy line can be purchased off his blog site: www.Flash-Brown.blogspot.com starting February 9th ( the toys will be signed by him and includes a free DVD movie.—> Ladies get up on that!!! ). The official site: www.FlashBrownProductions.com will be relaunched this summer; a 4th of July relaunch!! Oh and his 3rd Novelty Toy will be released next month, its the vibrating one, so all you ladies out there who be using what they call the " rabbit " or Kandi's " lipstick" lol hahaha go purchase the homies toy. What other male porn star has pulled 3 different dildo pieces under his own novelty line??? I'll wait!!! CLICK ON LINK FOR THE FULL FLASH BROWN INTERVIEW…… http://dunkinsboys.com/straighttakedown/qwmt-the-flashbrownxxx-interview/

Flash Brown's NEW SQUIRT DILDO Reviews

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